Davide Benini

iOs Development in Verona, Italy

iOs Programming, App Design
& Project Management

I've been working on iOs ever since it came out; these days I work with UIKit and SwiftUI, but I can work on older Objective-C codebases.
I have pubslished a few apps on the App Store, read about them in my portfolio.
I freelance with the awesome guys at NTNext, where we develop integrated solutions for a number of wonderful clients, but I also work remotely for other customers, from my office in Verona.
Domotics, automation and database apps are my field of expertise.

with a twist

Although my work is mostly focused on software engineering, I am an Irish Literature PhD, who changed his path a few years ago. I am at that intersection of humanities and technology, that sweet spot.
Among my other interests are the Hiking, Snowboarding, the Alexander technique, Aikido and music of course.

Irish Trad Music
with my Fiddle

I've been a fiddler for a few years, and had a couple of sessions both sides of the channel.
If you play music yourself and are around Verona get in touch.